The Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum - which is based on government guidelines from the DFE - is divided into 7 areas of learning: 3 PRIME areas, and 4 SPECIFIC areas.
Personal, Social & Emotional development
These outcomes concentrate on providing opportunities for the children to become a valued member of the group by learning how to co-operate with others, as well as promoting their self image and self-esteem.
Communication & Language
This focuses on developing the children’s ability in literacy as well as to develop their ability to articulate ideas and feelings. Also, to make them aware that the written word has meaning.
Physical development
This enables the children to develop and practise their fine and gross motor skills, as well as to increase their understanding of how their bodies work
These prime areas are the most essential for your child's healthy development and future learning.
As children grow, the prime areas will help them develop skills in 4 specific areas:
This covers the areas that develop understanding of number, measurement, patterns and shapes through practical activities.
Understanding the World
This gives opportunities for children to explore their environment and people and places that have a significance for them. There are a a variety of pursuits to stimulate curiosity and observation.
Expressive Arts & Design
This is where children can explore their ideas, feelings and thoughts through a variety of art, music, dance and role play activities.
This focuses on developing the children’s ability in literacy
The pre-school Learning Alliance
All children are encouraged to learn when the time is right and each child's progress is carefully observed to ensure their individual needs are met. We work with smaller groups at story time and at circle time to ensure that each child is given the opportunity to express them -self and build self-confidence. All children come together to enjoy the social development of sharing a healthy and nutritious snack, consisting of fruit and a drink.
A "key-person" will be allocated to each child and their family for the duration of their time at the setting. Overseen by the Manager Helen Style and the Deputy Sharon Rind,, the "key-person" will be responsible for recording observations of the child's progress, planning activities appropriate to the child's stage of development and for liaising with families.
We believe that parental involvement is an essential part of the child's progress within the pre-school. We encourage parents/carers, grandparents or au-pairs to get involved with the group by spending two mornings per term with us, as we believe this creates an atmosphere of familiarity and friendship.